Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day.

I actually like Valentine's Day. I enjoy having an excuse to make my BF some goodies and a homemade card. But do you see me talking about this ALL OVER Facebook? No.  

I'm sorry, but people on Facebook make me so angry on Valentine's Day (actually all holidays, but that's a different issue). You people literally make me a cynic of love. It's all you mushy-gushy braggers that make me look at my computer and just wonder "why." That's all though. Why. 

Here are some things I read on Valentine's Day, and what I assume you all do - try to one-up everyone else: 
  • A giant teddy bear was waiting for me this morning!  Mine got me a freaking lion. Suck on that.
  • Oh just a dozen red roses were waiting for me when I woke up! Best significant other ever!   Yeah, well 3 months ago, my significant other found a field, bought said field, planted the entire thing with red rose bushes, and this morning he woke me up early to drive me to the field. This beats your dozen.
  • Just got a call from the significant other!! Couple's massage and wine by the fire! I don't even have anything to fake trump this. It just makes me put my this-is-dull-face on and be disgusted. I don't want to know that.
Then there are those that really are cynics and hate love. You annoy me as well. 
  • Ugh. Alone again! Singles Awareness Day! I just have never been one of those people. Even when I was single. As my good friend Alixx says "I'm single, but I'm not celebrating Single's Awareness Day. I celebrate V-day. I'M LOVED!" So my peeps, get a better attitude about it like Alixx. She's awesome.  
I could just go on and on about this. I don't hate V-day because stores monopolize on sales of V-day crap, I don't hate it because I'm alone (which I am obviously not, and haven't been the past 3 years). I hate it because you all ruin it for me.  And it is NOT because I'm jealous (which I'm sure is your main goal). Words couldn't even describe how excited I was yesterday to just go home after a 12 hour work/school day (including an insanely tough Anatomy lab practical) and just hang out with my BF. But why do I have to tell you all that on Facebook? I don't. I'm going to keep my day of love to myself. Because that's the point of it. 

I don't care if you're loved. I don't care if you love love. I don't care what you get/give. I DON'T CARE. It's days like these I seriously consider deleting my FB account. Rant over. 


  1. Ohh Kelsey this is why I love you!! I am totally with ya on the FB statuses! (but ps, don't read my last post on my blog, it may make you barf .... but also, as I hope you & others know, I don't post on my blog to brag or anything, I have it for me just so I can look back on our memories & pictures, & only close friends/family look at it to see what were up to. Yes that is me justifying! )

  2. Oh writing on your blog is totally different! I love your blog. And you. But Facebook is such a public place. If people want to share these things, delete the people they know who don't care.

    But just FYI, if you were to post something on FB about your valentine's day, I wouldn't mind. Because I actually care about you and your life.

    Basically, I think it's time for me to delete the people I really don't care about.

  3. I am now going to read your blog! Seriously. There are probably only like 15 people I would really care to read about. It really is time to clean up my friends list.
